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“Towards mathematics, computers and environment: a disasters perspective”
Editora Springer-Nature
Este evento contará com o pré-lançamento do livro “Towards mathematics, computers and environment: a disasters perspective”, que será publicado em breve pela Editora Springer.
Para mais informações:
1. An overview of the El Niño, La Niña, and the Southern Oscillation phenomena: theory, observations, and modeling links
Léo Siqueira, Enver Ramírez and Rosio Camayo
2. Observation, theory and numerical modeling: atmospheric teleconnections leading to generalized frosts over Southeast South America
Gabriela V. Müller, Guillermo Berri and Marilia de Abreu Gregorio
3. Balances in the atmosphere and ocean: implications for forecasting and reliability
Enver Ramírez, Léo Siqueira, Rosio Camayo
4. Pollutant dispersion modeling via mathematical homogenization and integral transform-based multilayer methods
Camila Pinto da Costa, Leslie D. Pérez-Fernández and Julián Bravo-Castillero
5. Data mining approaches to the real-time monitoring and early warning of convective weather using lightning data
Stephan Stephany, Cesar Strauss, Alan James Peixoto Calheiros, Glauston Roberto Teixeira de Lima, João Victor Cal Garcia and Alex Sandro Aguiar Pessoa
6. Methodological proposal for the prediction of hydrological responses to Land-Uses and Land-Cover Changes in a Brazilian Watershed
Lidiane dos Santos Lima, Paulo Cesar Colonna Rosman, Julia Celia Mercedes Strauch, Nelson Ferreira Fernandes and Letícia de Carvalho Giannella
7. Computational modelling and simulation of surface waterflood in mountainous urban watersheds with the MOHID platform: case study Nova Friburgo, Brazil
Wagner R. Telles, Diego N. Brandão, Jader Lugon Jr., Pedro P. G. W. Rodrigues and Antônio J. Silva Neto
8. Applied time series – natural disasters perspective of use: landslide and flood
Alessandra C. Corsi, Filipe A. M. Falcetta, Marcela P. P. Guimarães and Eduardo S. de Macedo
9. Bayesian analysis of the disaster damage in Brazil
Camila Bertini Martins, Viviana Aguilar Muñoz, André Yoshizumi Gomes, Ricardo Manhães Savii and Carolina Locatelli Colla
10. About interfaces between machine learning, complex networks, survivability analysis and disaster risk reduction
Leonardo B. L. Santos, Luciana R. Londe, Tiago Carvalho, Daniel S. Menasché and Didier A. Vega-Oliveros
11. Digital Humanities and big microdata: new approaches for demographic research
Pier Francesco De Maria, Leonardo Tomazeli Duarte, Álvaro de Oliveira D'Antona and Cristiano Torezzan
12. Modeling social and geopolitical disasters as extreme events: a case study considering the complex dynamics of international armed conflicts
Reinaldo R. Rosa, Joshi Neelakshi, Gabriel A. L. L. Pinheiro, Paulo H. Barchi and Elcio H. Shiguemori
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